HPV Vaccine for Children

HPV vaccine helps protect not only girls but also boys from HPV-related cancers.

The HPV vaccine can be given any time from age 9 upwards. Immunisation helps protect against the HPV virus, which can lead to cancers such as:

  • head and neck cancers
  • cervical cancer
  • anogenital cancers - for example, anal, penile (penis) cancer, cancer of the vagina, and cancer of the vulva

Thonburi-Chumphon offers vaccine againt 9 HPV strains, and 4 HPV steains for children age 9-14 years old.

💉 9 strains of HPV 2 shots 12,399.-

💉 4 strains of HPV 2 shots 5,400.-

- This price also includes doctor fee and hospital service.
- This price does not include a specialist consultation fee in case of additional consultation.